How do I bond and remove laser sintered bands?

Bonding Protocol Number 1

The product you are going to use for this method is 3M™ RelyX™ Luting Plus Automix or GC Fuji ORTHO™ BAND Glass Ionomer Band Cement

1. Make sure the teeth are clean, but that's it. No pumicing. No etching. No bonding. The Automix or Fuji can get wet.

2. Once you place the appliance. Air the mesial and distal to dispose of the glue in the interproximal.

3. Light cure for 5 seconds and then wait 4 mins for complete cure.

See this video on how to bond laser-sintered bands using protocol 2:

Video Credit to  Dr. Jeanne Moody,


How to remove your laser bands when it is time to debond

1. ODL will provide you will buccal removal tabs if you do not have buccal tubes on the appliance.

2. When removing the band, slightly turn your wrist so that the appliance pops out easily. Do not pull straight out.

3. Cleanup on laser bands is different from traditional bands and may take more time because of the increased etching. You will have to polish down the buccal region as it was well primed and bonded to the tooth.


 See this video on how to remove laser-sintered bands::

Video Credit to  Dr. Jeanne Moody,


Bonding Protocol Number 2

1. Use Prophy GEL etch from Reliance. Etch the lingual, buccal, and just over the occlusal edge of the tooth. Rinse and dry the teeth. Do not use a self-etching primer as it is contraindicated on this type of appliance. 

Note *Liquid etch does not work as well as gel etch when using laser-sintered bands. 

2. Apply Assure Plus® from Reliance on the etched enamel surface only. Prime the buccal and lingual, but only prime the whole side of the buccal. Add one brush-size dot of Assure Plus on the palatal/lingual side of the molar. No light cure is needed. The appliance itself needs no preparation and will already be micro-etched from the lab. Not priming the entire tooth will result in an easier removal. Upon removal, the buccal side of the band should snap off easily.

Note* Do not fully prime both sides (buccal/lingual). Doing so can result in a hard-to-remove appliance.

3. Apply - Dual Cure Self Mix BandLok Blue  From Reliance. Apply a thin coat of paste to the inside of the band, ensuring all areas are covered. You can use regular Bandlok blue, but that does not have dual-cure properties making it less effective, and increasing your chance of debonding.  TIP: If there is an excess of paste flash after seating the appliance, you can light cure the exposed paste for 1 – 2 seconds (no more), and you can remove the excess while in a putty-type state. 

4. Light cure in a slow circle over the top of the band for 40 seconds. This method takes longer to cure than a bracket due to the surface that must be covered and cured. 


See this video on how to bond laser-sintered bands using protocol 1:

Video Credit to Dr. Doug Palaganas, 



  • We suggest the posterior band removers with the rubber pad and adhesive scraper from Allure Ortho. Item numbers T-325 (smaller) or T-326 (larger)
  • With tall clinical crowns use less adhesive, only prime the buccal and lingual areas, not the entire tooth.
  • With short clinical crowns, you may want to prime a bit more of the tooth since these bands have minimal mechanical retention.