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Getting Started
Getting Started with EasyRx
Submitting a case
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Marpe Appliances (Airway and TAD's)
Digital Splints
3D Printed Bands
VIVID Retainer
Palatal Expansion
General Info
Remakes and Repairs
Marpe Appliances (Airway and TAD's)
What is the MSE?
What is the ODL Custom MARPE?
What is the ODL Custom Power Screw MARPE?
What is the ODL Distal/Mesial TAD Appliance?
Can I change the TAD system after initial selection?
How do I know if I should use the MSE, or the custom Marpe system?
Can I use the MSE driver if I order a custom Marpe?
What MARPE systems does ODL offer?
What if I need guidance on TAD placement or eyelet positioning?
How often should I activate the expansion screw, and for how long?
Why choose ODL for your MARPE appliances?
How do I decide which MARPE appliance is best for my patient?
What is the Marpe onboarding process like with ODL?
What is ODL’s turnaround time for MARPE appliances?
Should I expand slowly or rapidly with Marpe?
Video Tutorial on submitting a Marpe
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Digital Splints
How do I order a Digital Splint?
How do I clean and maintain a Digital Splint?
What is an ODL digital splint?
What kind of impressions do you accept for Digital Splints?
What kinds of digital splints do you manufacture?
Why Digital Splints from ODL?
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What arm sizes do you have available for your Herbst Appliance?
What is the difference between the Spring Jet and the E-Arch and does ODL make both of them?
Do you have a more hygienic option for an RPE with bite plane?
Do you offer Indirect Bonding?
What do I need to send with my Herbst Rx?
Does you make pedo partials?
Do you make an MSE Appliance?
What if I receive a broken 3D printed resin model with my appliance?
Can an RPE or other metal appliance be left in place during an MRI?
What is the standard wire size for a bonded lingual retainer?
What are my options for fixed expansion screws?
What size expansion screws do you offer?
I'm having a problem turning my fixed appliance
Are the 3D printed models included in the price of the appliance?
Which appliances require an opposing arch?
What is an Infinity RPE?
Do you have 3D renderings of your products?
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3D Printed Bands
What appliances can you put Laser Bands on?
When is the best time to place a laser banded appliance after scanning?
What parts of the appliance are metal printed?
How do I bond and remove laser sintered bands?
What is SHIFT?
How do I order SHIFT?
Can I add aligners to my SHIFT kit?
What are the wires made of in your retainers?
Is your acrylic for traditional retainers BPA and Gluten Free?
What thermoforming material does ODL carry?
What wires do you offer for bonded lingual retainers?
What is the Vivid aligner turnaround time?
Do you require photos for Vivid Aligners?
How do I submit my Vivid Aligner case?
How do I request a revision on my Vivid Verify setup?
What requirements do I need to submit a Vivid Aligner case?
I lost or broke my aligners, what do I do?
How do I bond attachments for Vivid Aligners?
How do I smooth a rough edge on a Vivid Aligner?
How do I perform IPR (Interproximal reduction) for Vivid Aligners?
How do I place attachments with Vivid Aligners?
Can you digitally block out tooth decay for a VIVID retainer or aligner?
Does Vivid have a patient brochure?
What if my aligners aren't tracking?
How do I check my Vivid Verifications and notifications?
How do I know if Vivid is right for my patient?
What can I use Vivid aligners treat?
What are Vivid Aligners?
How do I get started with Vivid Aligners?
What is your pricing for Vivid Aligners?
Can I scan or send impressions of a patient with braces for Vivid Aligners?
What materials do you use for Vivid Aligners?
Is IPR necessary for every Vivid Aligner case?
Can Vivid Aligners be used during Phase 1 treatment ?
Does Vivid Aligners utilize attachments?
Do I have to get all aligners at the same time?
Are refinements included in the Vivid Aligner package price?
Are retainers included in the Vivid Aligner package price?
How long must a patient wear Vivid Aligners each day?
How will I know the amount of IPR or attachments required?
What is your aligner attachment template material?
How do I submit my first case in the MyVIVIDPortal?
How do I review my case in the MyVIVIDPortal?
How do I submit a refinement case in the Vivid Portal?
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VIVID Retainer
What Vivid Retainer Materials do you offer?
How do I order Vivid LUXE?
What is Vivid LUXE?
Palatal Expansion
What Expansion Screws do you offer
Pontics at ODL: What We Offer
What are your pontics made of?
Does ODL have a pontic shade guide?