Standard RPE screw: Available in 9mm, 11mm, and 13mm. (Default size is 11mm)
Compact RPE screw: Available in 8mm, 11mm, and 13mm. (Default size is 11mm)
Snaplock RPE screw: Available in 8mm, 10mm, and 12mm. This screw locks into place when turned; you can easily feel when the screw has been turned fully as there is a click. This type of screw is recommended when experiencing challenges with turnback and spinning.
Fan RPE screw: Available in 7mm and 9mm.
Leaf RPE screw: Available in 6mm(450g), 6mm (900g), 9mm (450g) and 9mm (900g). This screw allows for more 'gentle' expansion, as the spring is automatically activated. By turning the screw when the patient next attends an appointment, the spring is compressed again to allow the continuation of expansion. This is ideal if there is a concern with compliance in regular screw turning.