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  3. Marpe Appliances (Airway and TAD's)

What MARPE systems does ODL offer?

ODL offers four main MARPE (TAD) appliances designed to meet a range of clinical needs, each tailored for different cases and preferences in TAD placement and expansion flexibility:

ODL offers four main MARPE appliances designed to meet a range of clinical needs, each tailored for different cases and preferences in TAD placement and expansion flexibility:

  1. MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander)
  2. ODL Custom MARPE
  3. ODL Custom Power Screw MARPE
  4. ODL Distal/Mesial TAD Appliance

Each appliance provides unique configurations, customizable TAD options, and different expansion screw choices, giving you the flexibility to choose the best appliance for each patient’s specific requirements.

2. Overview of Each MARPE Appliance

MSE (Maxillary Skeletal Expander)

  • Description: The MSE is a widely used MARPE appliance specifically designed for skeletal anchorage. It’s an ideal choice for palatal expansion in non-surgical cases, particularly in adult patients.
  • TAD Compatibility: This appliance exclusively uses MSE TADs due to its design.
  • Expansion Screw Options: Available in 8 mm, 10 mm, and 12 mm.
  • TAD Sizes: MSE TADs are available in 11 mm and 13 mm lengths (15 mm can be special-ordered for unique cases).
  • Amount of eyelets: 4 eyelets are built into the MSE.
  • Best For: Cases where mid-palatal expansion is necessary, especially for patients who require stable and centralized TAD anchorage.

ODL Custom MARPE (Framework and Bone-Borne)

  • Description: The ODL Custom MARPE is a flexible MARPE solution that allows for a range of TAD systems and expansion screw types. This appliance can be adapted based on the specific anatomy and needs of each patient.
  • TAD Compatibility: Compatible with multiple TAD systems, including MSE, Dentaurum TOMAS, and PSM.
  • Expansion Screw Options: Standard choices include the Leone 630 and Leone Compact Screw, with options in 8 mm, 10 mm, and 12 mm.
  • Amount of eyelets:  1-6 eyelets can be used. While at ODL we think less is more, you can choose to utilize even more eyelets should the case require.
  • TAD Sizes:
    • MSE TADs: 11 mm, 13 mm (15 mm special order)
    • TOMAS TADs: 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm
    • PSM TADs: 7 mm, 9 mm, 11 mm, 13 mm
  • Best For: Clinicians seeking a customizable appliance with flexibility in both TAD selection and expansion mechanisms, allowing adaptation to unique cases.

ODL Custom Power Screw MARPE (Framework and Bone-Borne)

  • Description: This MARPE uses the Tiger Dental Power Screw for expansion, offering high versatility in TAD selection and positioning. The Power Screw provides robust expansion and is compatible with various TAD systems, making it ideal for cases that require flexibility.
  • TAD Compatibility: Compatible with Dentaurum TOMAS, MSE, and PSM TAD systems, allowing for adaptable eyelet positioning.
  • Expansion Screw Options: Tiger Dental Power Screw, available in 8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm, 14 mm, and 16 mm.
  • Amount of eyelets:  1-6 eyelets can be used. While at ODL we think less is more, you can choose to utilize even more eyelets should the case require.
  • TAD Sizes:
    • MSE TADs: 11 mm, 13 mm (15 mm special order)
    • TOMAS TADs: 6 mm, 8 mm, 10 mm
    • PSM TADs: 7 mm, 9 mm, 11 mm, 13 mm
  • Best For: Cases needing adaptable expansion with strong anchorage. The customizable TAD selection makes it suitable for a wide range of anatomical challenges.

ODL Distal/Mesial TAD Appliance

  • Description: This appliance is specifically designed for distal or mesial tooth movement, using TADs for stable anchorage. Unlike traditional MARPE appliances, this device is aimed at controlled tooth movements rather than solely skeletal expansion.
  • TAD Compatibility: Compatible with TAD systems from Dentaurum, Leone, Tadman, and PSM.
  • Mechanism: Custom mechanisms are included for distal or mesial movements based on the treatment plan.
  • Amount of eyelets:  typically 1-4 are used for these types of appliances.
  • Best For: Patients who need controlled, specific tooth movements anchored by TADs, rather than full skeletal expansion.