If you need to order new aligners because your patient's case is not tracking, please log in to the MyVividPortal, find your patient, and request a refinement.
Here are some common reasons your aligners maybe not be tracking
- The first and most common reason for the lack of tracking is that the patient isn't wearing their aligners for 22 hours per day or more. They must do this to achieve results; noncompliant aligner wear won't be covered under any warranty.
- Another reason for non-tracking aligners is that the clinician did not do the proper amount of IPR at the designated aligner. Throughout treatment, Vivid may prescribe IPR (interproximal reduction) to "shave" the tooth down to make room for other teeth to move. The need for IPR is common, especially in cases with substantial crowding present. If too much or too little IPR is performed, the case may not track. An effective way to know if you've done the correct amount of IPR is to purchase an IPR gauge. Learn more about the IPR gauge here.
- The third reason an aligner may not track is due to it not sitting correctly in the mouth. If the patient or clinician notices any gap or bounce between the aligner and the tooth, the clinician should prescribe the help of chewies to the patient. Chewies are not only the right solution for aligner/tooth gaps but also for general tracking of an aligner case, even without gaps. You can find aligner chewies here.