Here are many of the expansion screws we offer. If you would like a special expansion screw, let us know. We can most likely accommodate.
Leone 4 arm Screw (Most common)
Leone Leaf Expander (Needs Reactivation)
Leone Compact Screw (8mm, 11mm, 13mm)
Leone Leaf Self Expanding Screw - 6MM @ 450 Grams , 6MM @ 900 Grams, 9MM @ 450 Grams , 9MM @ 900 Grams.
Leone Mandibular Expansion Screw (8mm, 11mm)
Forestadent SnapLock Screw (8mm, 10mm, 12mm)
Super Screw
Dentaurum Click Variety
Leone Fan Screw
Dentaurum Titanium
Leone Pop Screw for removable appliances